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Feb 3, 2019
DC Circuit sends “strong message” to States on Clean Water Act timeline
On January 25, 2019, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia unanimously ruled in Hoopa Valley Tribe v. FERC that...

Jan 24, 2019
Kamau Sadiki, Federal hydropower policy expert, joins Dawson
Dawson & Associates is proud to announce that Kamau Sadiki, whose extensive knowledge of federal hydropower policy and operations stems...

Jan 9, 2019
New WOTUS rules: More clarity but still muddy
The Trump Administration’s latest Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rules, proposed last month, are designed to clarify federal control...

Dec 12, 2018
President George W. Bush once asked him, “Will the people in New Orleans be safe?”
Before Don Riley joined our team in 2011, he had a remarkable 37-year career in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Don was Deputy...

Dec 7, 2018
The Supremes and the dusky gopher frog
On November 27, a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of property owners who opposed a Federal government designation of their...

Nov 8, 2018
Remembering the late Capt. Charles Harris and events in northeast France 100 years ago
On 20 October 2018, a 100-year commemorative event was held in honor of U.S Army Captain Charles D. Harris and the 6th Engineers of the...

Nov 8, 2018
Al Gore, humorist
With the election season over, a bit of humor might be an appropriate balm to all the acrimony from the past several weeks. Thirty years...

Oct 17, 2018
Understanding the new Corps of Engineers policy on mitigation credits and structure removal
Recently, the Army Corps of Engineers issued guidance titled “Determination of Compensatory Mitigation Credits for the Removal of...

Sep 22, 2018
Avoiding the traps on Endangered Species Act reform
Last month, Deputy Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt announced that the department was planning significant changes in how it...

Sep 3, 2018
Welcome Rick Stevens, former Deputy Commander in the Army Corps of Engineers
At Dawson & Associates, our team is our greatest attribute and the primary reason for our clients’ success. Today, we’re honored to...

Aug 18, 2018
Federal judge revives Obama Admin WOTUS rule – but only in 26 states!
The Trump Administration’s’ efforts to overturn the Obama Administration’s 2015 Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule took another...

Aug 11, 2018
Tribute to a friend and leader
Lt. Gen. Vald Heiberg was more than just a wonderful colleague here at Dawson. He was also one of the great leaders of the U.S. Army...

Aug 5, 2018
Shape of water? Legal battles rage over WOTUS repeal while EPA moves to modify veto authority
The Trump Administration’s efforts to overturn the Obama Administration’s 2015 Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule continue to face...

Jul 15, 2018
EPA, Army take prompt action on wetlands mitigation & Clean Water Act
Last month, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and Army Assistant Secretary R.D. James took prompt and important action to address concerns...

Jun 19, 2018
Peering into the crystal ball on Corps of Engineers mitigation policy
Ariel Wittneberg at E&E News had an interesting three-part series recently on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers mitigation requirements in...

May 30, 2018
Understanding the Federal pipeline permit system
CNN’s Matt Egan just posted on the U.S. shale oil industry, Why American oil can keep booming despite crazy swings. The article shows how...

May 2, 2018
Was Corps management on the Missouri River a “taking”?
Recently, in a 259-page decision, US Court of Federal Claims Judge Nancy Firestone held that river management changes begun by the Army...

Apr 18, 2018
Remembering Barbara Bush’s irrepressible wit
With former First Lady Barbara Bush’s passing, the nation mourns a wonderful, remarkable First Lady whose signature issue was a lifelong...

Apr 5, 2018
Federal contracting debriefings: failure to communicate?
Recent policy issued by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP), and passage of the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act...

Mar 11, 2018
Tips for natural gas pipeline permitting
As shown in a recent Wall Street Journal editorial, “Drilled, Baby, Drilled,” America’s energy production turn-around during the past...
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