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Superfund Remediation

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In recent years, Federal officials have increased their focus on the most complex and difficult sites in the CERCLA (Superfund) and RCRA remediation programs. These include large contaminated land areas and underwater bodies.

This raises the stakes considerably for companies involved in remediation, especially those facing significant liability, litigation or both. The Dawson & Associates Superfund team members have worked firsthand on many of the most complex site remediation projects. These include the Passaic River Superfund site in New Jersey, as well as a Midwestern lead contamination site and a large groundwater remediation site in California.

Our team members have also held senior positions in Superfund activities at headquarters and regional offices of the Environmental Protection Agency. We have also worked in the U.S. Department of the Interior and have worked on hundreds of CERCLA and RCRA sites during that time. This gives our firm an unmatched knowledge of CERCLA and RCRA issues and the ability to advise clients on devising creative solutions to complex Superfund problems.

Specialty Areas

  • Leadership and decision making 

  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) permitting process 

  • Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act navigable waters permitting 

  • Section 404 Clean Water Act discharge regulations 

  • Superfund & Natural Resource Damages cleanup 

  • Water Resource Development Act authorizations

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