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Remembering John Myers

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

In the several days that have elapsed since the untimely passing of our colleague, The Hon. John Myers, we have heard many wonderful anecdotes about this great man. Here are a few that we especially like:


Robert Dawson

My favorite John Myers story was when he came to the Pentagon in 1984, right after Bill Gianelli resigned as Director of Civil Works for the U.S. Army. I had offered to come to his office at the Capitol but John insisted on coming to the Pentagon. We had breakfast together in the General Officers’ mess and he gave me priceless advice, member-by-member and issue-by-issue.

I escorted John out to the Pentagon’s mall entrance and we discovered that he had been given a parking ticket. I insisted on taking care of it but John refused. Later I learned from one of his staffers that John paid it without any argument.

What a selfless public servant he was!

Robert K. Dawson Founder


Maj. Gen. (Ret) Tom Sands

John Myers was a truly great American and definitely one who could “walk with kings and not lose the common touch.” The Sands family was fortunate to be able to consider John and Carol “special friends.” No member of Congress was more supportive of water resources development than John.

From 1984 until 1989, I was Commander, Lower Mississippi Valley Division and President, Mississippi River Commission. In 1986, when our family was in the middle of moving into a new house, John, fellow Congressman Wes Watkins and a senior Congressional staffer named Hunter Spillen decided to come to Vicksburg to discuss Corps operations. It was a sudden visit so we had no time to prepare. Even though almost all of our pictures and wall hangings were on the floor, I asked them to come to our home for dinner.

To make a long story short, as dinner was ending, John suggested that all of us should “help” my wife Barbara by hanging pictures on the walls. You can imagine the condition of the group by this time. Nevertheless, we proceeded hang all of the pictures. It took Barb 2 days to rearrange them.

Maj. Gen. (Ret) Tom Sands Senior advisor

Lt. Gen. (Ret) Art Williams

Lt. Gen. (Ret) Art Williams

I had the honor of knowing John and Carol Myers since the late 1980’s. What a delightful couple! I knew John in several capacities during this time, not only professionally but personally since we lived about 20 minutes apart in Florida. We shared many good times together.

Regardless of the various professional roles in which he found himself, John was consistently the same straightforward, caring person.   He and Carol loved to have a good time, whether it was in New Orleans, on the M/V Mississippi, or at our homes. More than once, John would amuse us by taking off his toupe and trying to put it on me.

John will be missed by thousands, but his memories will never be forgotten. Neither will The Honorable John Myers!

Lt. Gen. (Ret) Art Williams Senior Advisor


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