Dawson & Associates takes pride in providing a powerful voice for its clients in the Federal environmental regulatory process. Enabling that voice is a deep roster of respected Senior Advisors with decades of government and public relations expertise.
Our foremost expert on media relations, Peter Arnold, who’s been with the Dawson team since 2007, has a long and constructive history advising companies on media strategic planning, messaging, and the occasional necessity to expertly manage crisis communications.
This week, Peter was the guest on LookLeft@Marketing, a podcast that focuses on media and technology. In addition to a thoughtful discussion of the Internet’s influence on traditional media, Peter and the hosts exchange fascinating anecdotes about Peter’s time as a White House and political speechwriter.
The informative and entertaining podcast runs about 30 minutes. To listen, click here:
Maj. Gen. (ret) Rick Stevens
Senior Vice President
A member of the Dawson team since 2018, Rick was Deputy Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from 2014-2017.
The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dawson & Associates.