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Helping the next generation of engineers

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

Col. (Ret) Bud Griffis with scholarship winners Judith Zhao and Robert Hume at the 2014 Society of American Military Engineers NYC Dinner

The great historian and Librarian of Congress Daniel Boorstin once wrote, “Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know.”

Kudos to our colleague, Col. (Ret) Bud Griffis, for his efforts as President of the Society of American Military Engineers’ New York City Post Scholarship Fund. Next month, the Post hosts its 75th anniversary dinner and dance to raise money for the Fund, which to date has provided more than $5 million in scholarships to 5,400 engineering and architecture students in more than 70 accredited colleges, universities and service academies.

In 2015, the fund will award another 207 scholarships to deserving students.

The current issue of The Military Engineer has an interview with Bud about this great project.  Here’s the link to the full issue – Bud’s interview is on page 81.

Congratulations, Bud, and thanks for your help with this wonderful cause.  Essayons!

Maj. Gen. (Ret) Don Riley Senior Vice President

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