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For those who served

Updated: Jun 6, 2020

At Dawson & Associates, our military roots run deep. We have 15 former officers on staff, including one – General Bruce Scott – who traces his military lineage back almost 200 years to General Winfield Scott.

Veterans Day ceremony

The Marshall Center’s Veterans Day ceremony. (L-R) Pat Daly, Marshall Center Executive Director; LTG (Ret) Frank Helmick, Guest Speaker; Rory Clark, Marshall Center President; Gayle Reed, General Don Riley

So we take Veterans Day pretty seriously around here, which is why I was honored to serve as Master of Ceremonies at The Eighth Annual Veterans Day Commemoration at The George C. Marshall House in Leesburg, VA yesterday.

It was a beautiful event from start to finish: alternately somber yet patriotic and uplifting. We heard from several distinguished people but in particular, I’d like to note Gayle Reed. From 1941 to 1944, she piloted planes for the Women Air Force Service Pilots, serving as a flight instructor and a pilot responsible for domestic aircraft transport. She told the story of how she joined the WASPs and several humorous anecdotes from her service.

We also heard a stirring speech from Lieutenant General Frank Helmick, former Commander of the XVII Airborne Corps. He brought back fond memories to the many Veterans in the audience and spoke of the selflessness of today’s military men and women, following in the example of those present and past Veterans. Of course, no Veterans Day event would be complete without a fife and drum and this one was no exception. Warm congratulations are due to The American Originals Fife & Drum Corps.

For more information about General Marshall and the Marshall House, please click here. And if the spirit moves you this holiday season, please consider supporting the Wounded Warrior Project.

Gen. (Ret) Don Riley Senior Vice President

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