MS, Engineering Management,
University of New Orleans
MS, Civil Engineering,
University of New Orleans
BS, Civil Engineering,
University of New Orleans
Professional Certifications
Project Management Professional Level III Certification, USACE
Project Management Professional License, PMI
Memberships & Honors
Member, Project Management Institute
Member, American Society of Civil Engineers
Member, Environmental Water Resources Institute
Meritorious Civilian Service Medal Awards (2)
Meritorious Superior Service Medal Award
Meritorious Civilian Service Medal Award
Ada Benavides, PMP
Senior Advisor
Ada served in multiple senior-level positions within the Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, including service as the Assistant Director of Civil Works leading and managing civil works policy development, programs, projects, and administration initiatives.
A civil servant for over 30-years, Ada culminated her distinguished career as a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers senior leader on policy, strategy, program, and project management. She is a recognized specialist in preparing Corps policies and procedures involving water management, regulatory, budgeting, operations and maintenance and international cooperation.
As a senior advisor at the Corps Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Ada’s leadership was essential to overseeing policy development on multiple $10+ billion biannual Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) authorizations - a bipartisan bill that includes projects to improve the Nation’s ports and harbors, inland waterway navigation, flood and storm protection, and other water resources infrastructure, as well as policy reforms related to the Corps Civil Works Program.
Ada is a recognized expert on Corps WRDA implementation guidance; a critical mechanism required to authorize the start, continuation and completion of Corps water resources studies, projects, and activities. Her experience enabling the development and passage of WRDA 2018 and WRDA 2020 legislation provides an unparalleled perspective on how best to advocate and integrate complex projects with national, regional, and local significance.
Other Experience
Represented U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a Governor on the World Water Council Board of Governors.
Deputy Chief of Civil Works (Regional Integration Team) South Pacific Division, Headquarters, D.C., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers responsible for program leadership, supervision, management, development, and execution of the program.
Senior project manager, construction manager, and team leader, Army Corps of Engineers New Orleans District, responsible for planning, design, construction and administration of multiple civil works studies, and projects involving flood control, navigation, ecosystem restoration and hurricane protection, dredging and interior drainage.
Project Engineer at TL Construction Company, New Orleans, Louisiana administering and leading the structural design and construction of civil works infrastructure.